Long Handle Polyester Swab - AS ONE China

Long Handle Polyester Swab - AS ONE China
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Mã sản phẩm: BTT-Y219
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Giá: Còn hàng Liên hệ
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The Cleansebay's BTT-Y219 Swab with Long Handle is an excellent general purpose swab for cleaning surfaces and hard-to-reach areas.Its laundered, knitted polyester head is extremely clean. A long handle and flexible internal head paddle provide good support. This swab can replace typical long-handled cotton swabs in applications requiring superior cleanliness. The Swab with Long Handle is also widely recommended for surface sampling and cleaning-validation work. Its cleanliness provides a neutral background for the sample obtained.

. Cleanroom-laundered, double-layer knitted polyester tip over flexible paddle
. Long, light green polypropylene handle
. Thermally bonded head
. Soft and nonabrasive
. Excellent chemical resistance

. Ultralow nonvolatile residue 
. Low particle and fiber generation
. Good sorbency
. No contaminating adhesives
. Compatible with many solvents
. May be sterilized by autoclave Applications
. Cleaning with solvents such as IPA
. Sampling surfaces for TOC or cleaning validation
. Applying lubricants and other liquids
. Removing excess materials
Physical Characteristics

Head material 
Knitted polyester
Head width  7.2 mm (0.268")
Head thickness  3.2 mm (0.110")
Head length 17.3 mm (0.661")
Handle material  Polypropylene
Handle width 3.7 mm (0.126")
Handle thickness 3.7 mm (0.126")
Handle length 149.5 mm (5.728")
Total swab length 182.3 mm (6.390")
Head bond Thermal
Handle color Light Green
Design notes Flexible head paddle; long handl
Packing 100pcs/bag;

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